Keep Thinking: Thoughts for Success

New Book Release!

Now available from Amazon!

Kindle and Paperback

Keep Thinking: Thoughts for Success


Thoughts on Change, Leadership and Personal Development for Smart Leaders


Keep Thinking: Thoughts for Success provides meaningful reminders and new insight into the core topics of interest for all smart leaders. The topics are short enough for convenient consumption in our busy days, but deep enough to stimulate real learning and reflection. The topics span areas of interest and importance in leveraging change, building our teams, pursuing our goals and achieving success through Excellence.

Change: A simple but effective formula for planning and managing change and reminding ourselves to be an agent of change.

Excellence: Reminder of the key ingredients of pursuing Excellence.

Leadership: Topics include Being Transparent, Focusing on Solutions, Providing Positive Reinforcement and Being a Servant-Leader

Personal Development: Reminds us to Create a Bigger Vision, Embrace Who we Are, Manage our Self-talk, Rise above the Issues and to Stay Positive and other engaging topics

These along with many other important facets to achieving stronger more capable leadership qualities are included in the compendium of thoughts in Keep Thinking: Thoughts for Success.

EXCELLENCE: You CAN Get There From Here!

New Book Release!

Now available from Amazon!

Kindle and Paperback


EXCELLENCE: You CAN Get There From Here!

A practical journey to personal success.

For many years I have been searching for examples of excellence and the things that lead to excellent results. Through my search I have found that excellence is not something that can be acquired through training, but it is an attitude or way of thinking.

Overall excellence is a journey from where we are to the best we can be in every aspect of our life.

After years of study I have found that the difference between success and mediocrity is not defined by a big advantage in talent or opportunity, but stems from a relentless pursuit of better.

The pursuit of excellence is the root of that difference and it is available to all of us. The difference comes down to perspective, planning and persistence.

This book provides a perspective and practical framework to enjoy the benefits of the pursuit of excellence including:

  • Overview of the benefits of pursuing excellence
  • The Excellence for Life and The Excellence Project Lifecycle program
  • 7 Principles for Personal Excellence

We are each running our own race. Let EXCELLENCE: You CAN Get There From Here guide you on your journey to personal success.
