A Simple Formula to Improve Team Performance

A Simple Formula to Improve Team Performance

“The true measure of the value of any business leader and manager is performance.” — Brian Tracy  

Have you ever wondered why one team is more productive than another or have you been part of a team that always seemed to outperform others? That very curiosity has been the root of my passion to better understand High Performance Organizations and the pursuit of Excellence.

As leaders we are always looking for opportunities to improve the performance of our teams. It turns out that there is a relatively simple formula common to all high performing teams that we call The High Performance Organization Formula™ that can help.

The formula is relatively simple and straightforward and the use of any aspect of the formula will most likely improve the performance of any team. The basic conditions and principles when leveraged through the formula provide the fundamental structure needed to allow a team to achieve more than just the sum of the individuals.

While the basics are simple, a High Performance Organization is very challenging to develop and maintain.  Achieving true high performance requires more than just following the principles of the formula. It requires understanding what drives each aspect of each principle, developing resources and providing the proper culture and environment. Through the development of this topic, we will provide the resources and training necessary to have a working knowledge of High Performing Organizations.

Secondly, the results will match the commitment. If we are not serious about developing a High Performance Organization, then the results will not deliver the true potential. People are quick to see through a lack of commitment by their leader. Conversely, most organizations are desperate to perform for leadership that believes in them and lets each person do what they do best to the best of their capability. The results are up to us.

So let’s make this simple, here is The High Performance Organization Formula

The High Performance Organization Formula™

  • Know What Your Customer Needs
  • Have a Clear Vision of How to Meet that Need
  • Assemble a Well-rounded Team Based on Individual Strengths
  • Treat Each Person as an Individual
  • Hold Each Person Accountable and Then Get Out of the Way
  • Maintain Alignment with the Direction of the Business

There it is, a simple formula to a very complex subject. There is an enormous amount of understanding to unpack contained within each principle. Unpacking each principle and expanding our understanding along with practical approaches will be the core content of an upcoming book.

Here is a question to our community, how would you like to see this developed? Are you interested in following periodic blogs that discuss each principle? Let me know in the comments below so that I can blend it into the publication plan for this Blog for 2019.


Skip Gilbert

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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